this historic old building...
Downtown Enthusiasts -
Individuals and Private Enterprise are laying the Groundwork for an Urban
Renaissance, August 24, 2003
downtown Montgomery, Alabama property has been recently updated and is
ready for occupation! The building is located on Lawrence Street one
block north of the new 22-story RSA Tower in the heart of town and sits
next to two thriving restaurants, Clearwater Cafe
and The Farmers Market.
The first floor is currently used for storage and includes
a refrigerated compartment (condition of refrigerator is unknown) with a
loading dock. The second floor is partly renovated for a residence.

North Side of building showing loading dock
and storage compartment.
Floor Plans
First Floor
(Click for larger view.)

Second Floor
(Click for larger view.)

If interested, contact
Improvement Group, Inc.
PO Box 104
Montgomery, AL 36106
Refer to the Griggs Building